lunes, 8 de agosto de 2016


ximenanr He tried several times to write this message and just do not know where to start. My heart aches as I write these words. Yesterday, he left this world that a person has marked my life, someone to drive me to fulfill dreams, someone who believed in me sin asking anything in return. All women who have gone through beauty pageants in Mexico, we know how much you loved ... But breathtakingly To prepare your character Valuable saber was your reward sincere and big Vernos win. I do not know anyone who so selflessly Like You've had so much love, dedication and effort to prepare queens. I thank God for putting you on my way and for having the good fortune to learn from you. When I won the Miss Universe crown, did not alone ... You have a large part of the ESA also corona. THANK @hugocastellanosj by convey that passion and inner strength that only you know teach. Difficult entender Why in these happy moments of your life, fulfilling your dreams and taking what you had always wanted, had to spend esto😭 .... NOT EXIST OR existira Nobody like your @hugocastellanosj paragraph PREPARE beauty queens ... . You will be very surprised in this world. Today I'm sure you'll be doing the biggest and most perfect Footbridge in the sky! I love you forever ❤️🙏🏼

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