lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016


Karlie’s first-hand observations of a close family member inspired her goal to be a national voice about the effects of alcoholism and drug abuse on family members. Her own childhood experiences have engendered great empathy for children growing up in unstable environments and for the families of alcoholics. Were her fondest wish to be granted, every child would grow up in a stable and loving home.

In addition to this heartfelt concern, Karlie’s interests and activities range from cheerleading to community service. A high achiever, the eighteen-year-old senior maintains her position on the school honor roll while participating in numerous extracurricular activities that include varsity cheer captain, yearbook editor and photographer.

After graduating from Tomball high school in 2016, the blue-eyed blonde hopes to enroll at Texas A&M University. Her plan beyond college is to become a businesswoman and to continue advocating for those affected by drug and alcohol abuse.

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