martes, 26 de julio de 2016


Due to the difficult economic situation that crosses the former beauty queen, Alba Reyes was forced to auction off the statuette he received as the "most photogenic" in the Miss Universe 2004 through Ebay.
"As an emergency measure I have decided to sell one of my trophies Miss Universe, I know that for many are not of great value but for some fans and collectors are unique objects as they are never available in the market," said the former Queen.

For now Alba Reyes, who was unable to find work despite having a degree in chemistry and one in right, also through a sad chapter in their family life; since this June, his mother, Elena Santos was attacked by unidentified assailants who entered his home to kill her.

Reyes who was with his mother at the time of the facts, still experiencing episodes of panic because the murderers have not been caught; by the time the authorities have focused research on a man who held a big fight with the brother of Kings.

The ex-Queen bid on the website in cut crystal figurine bearing the logo of Miss Universe, and started the auction with $ 10,000.

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