domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Danielle Doty- Miss Teen USA 2011

More photos and BIO!!!
When Danielle Doty was considering what the most daring and adventurous thing she had ever done, the answer came rather quickly: "I climbed a mountain last summer!"   Little did she realize that when the Miss Texas Teen USA pageant came along in November of last year, there would be another mountain to climb, but it was surely a mountain that she was ready to conquer.  In other words, she would be "in it, to win it!"
As the pageant neared for the All A Honor Roll Senior at Harlingen High School South, who is ranked ninth in her class of 404 students, she applied the lessons learned while successfully competing in a few Junior Teen pageants and focused on being the next Miss Texas Teen USA.  "I pride myself in being a bit different because I am comfortable in my own skin," she says humbly.  With a determined mindset and attitude, she knew "that with the support of my family, friends and great personal values, I have the strength to accomplish the tasks set before me."  It was quite a task to undertake, and yet she did so with the conviction and confidence to go all the way. 
Danielle's road to the crown has been filled with participation in a variety of clubs including Student Council, Key Club, YoungLife and Fields of Faith, and is involved with both with the Lance Armstrong Foundation and Humane Society.  One of her goals is to create her own non-profit, charity organization that she calls "Modest is Hottest" and defines it as "a teen confidence program which benefits impressionable young girls struggling with confidence and identity issues."  As a cheerleader for four years, she was named as a UCA All American Cheerleader.  She loves choreographing dance and cheer routines having been tumbling and dancing since she was a year-and-a half old.  Not viewing herself a typical beauty queen, she good-naturedly admits, "I seem to be a bit accident prone with tumbling where I have broken my foot, cracked my knee and had a severe neck injury last Fall Season.  I handle them by not giving up and continuing to live a strong, happy, spiritual life," she says with a grin, "and with good insurance!"

            Danielle is a natural at making all those around her feel special and it does not take long before you notice the genuineness she exudes.  When asked about her aspirations, she wants "to set a good example, and continue to be a kind, compassionate daughter, granddaughter, sister and friend."  Sharing the best advice she has ever received: "To be true to myself and not worry about what other people say."  With that philosophy, she plans to graduate from Baylor University with a communications degree and have a successful career on national television.  She has a jump start on her goal, counting Megan Alexander, the host of the news program Inside Edition, as a personal friend.  "We share certain similarities, and I have enjoyed knowing her for a long time.  I consider her a friend who I can go to for answers and she currently enjoys a job similar to my dream job!"

            When the Miss TEEN USA pageant rolls around, you can bet the world is in for a treat when "Texas" steps on stage.  With the Texas title in hand Danielle declares, "I am a unique girl waiting to be seen and see the rest of the world!"  Perhaps the best glimpse of Danielle's personality can be evidently seen with the dainty silver rings she wears on each hand.  One is inscribed "Friends Forever" and the other pretty much sums up Danielle's philosophy in life:  "Nothing is Impossible".
                                                                                                              ~J.J. Smith

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